Sunday, September 18, 2011

Kaila's 1st year

Kaila's first year of life went by so fast. Although I had lots of help & lived with my Brother... it was tough being a new mommy, so I went back to work when she was just over 4weeks old. Kaila stayed with my sister in law while I was at work and Kaila's dad would pick her up for a few hours from her before his workday began. It was kind of nice working opposite schedules, because he was able to hang out with her while I was at work, so I didn't feel like I was missing out on my time with her. Kaila was a very very smart baby girl, she started holding her own bottle at 4months, she started talking at least 3word sentences at 9months and started walking at 11months. The picture of Kaila in the red dress is the actual day she started walking on her own. I took her to play at Lions Park in Lemoore, we walked there and she kept falling over and over and then all of a suddent she didn't fall, I was able to snap a photo and she has been walking ever since that day. She was also a toothless baby until she was 11 1/2months old which was super cute! Kaila had her Christening at New Beginnings Church in Hanford by Pastor Walt Black with two other friends Mia & Hayden. Her God-Mother Marianela was there for the special occasion as well as lots of family & friends in the pews.

Kaila's 1st birthday party was at my mom's house (Nanny), it was Strawberry Shortcake theme... she hated getting dirty so when it came time to eat her cake she was not thrilled & after I realized that the red frosting stained I was not thrilled either. It was a rather small birthday party, we had my parents, my siblings, their kids, a couple friends of mine and their kids and that's about it. It was just enough people to have a blast and of course a fabulous cake fight :-)


  1. thankyou for sharing. i enjoyed reading all your posts. looking forward for more. HUGS!!! -cousin cathy

  2. Thanks cousin ... Love ya! There will definitely be more posts to look forward to!
